Steam Deck

Games made using 001 Game Creator and published on Steam are seamlessly compatible with the Steam Deck as long as the Proton compatibility layer is enabled.

Steam Deck Compatibility

For a full list of compatibility guidelines visit the Steamworks Documentation. Some highlights from the Compatibility Checklist include:

  • Game must fully run via controller inputs.
  • Text should be clearly visible on small and large displays.
  • Game must support the resolutions of 1280×800 and 1280×800


Game doesn’t open when launched through Steam
The typical cause of the game not launching is a faulty Steamworks Install Script. You must ensure Redist001.exe is ran, and if prompted to, restart your computer. You also need to ensure the compatibility layer is enabled in your global Steam settings or Steam game properties.

There’s an issue that only happens on the Steam Deck and not elsewhere
Please submit a bug report of the issue through the software with a project that shows the issue. As the Steam Deck uses an emulation layer to run games we can’t guarantee 1:1 support however we would be happy to investigate any issues that come up.