
Clicking the “Speaker” button and choosing a square on your current Map will bring up the Speaker window.


Display Name – is used to identify the Speaker on the Map.

Scripting ID – is used to identify the Speaker through scripting.

Position – sets the X/Y/Z coordinates of the Speaker on the Map.

Currently Turned On – when ticked, the Speaker will initially play from the start.


Sound – is used to select which sound will be played from the Sounds and Music window. Do note that the selected sound resource must be single-channel (mono) for the Speaker to actually behave like one, using 3D positional audio.


Radius (pixels) – is how far the Sound will be audible for in pixels.

Start and End Angles – sets the starting angles and the ending angles of the Sound.

Sharpness – is how sharp the Sound radius will be. The higher the value, the sharper the Speaker’s edge. This means the volume will cut out faster when you reach a certain distance away from the Speaker.

Amplitude Graph

You can customize the way a Speaker sounds by clicking the cursor in the white box and dragging it to create a new pattern, or selecting a preset.

Time Span – sets the frequency at which the Sound pattern plays. The effects of this will not be heard if the preset is set to either “Null” or “Steady”.

Preset – sets a Sound pattern at which the Speaker is played.

  • Null – no Sound at all.
  • SteadySound is always on.
  • Pulse – starts quiet and then gradually gets louder and then gradually gets quieter again.
  • Blink – occasionally turns off and then immediately back on.
  • Flicker – continually turns on/off randomly.
  • Strobe – rapidly turns on/off regularly.
  • Glow – steadily gets louder and then quieter.

Play Sound At Location

When using the “Play Sound At Location” event, it’s important to keep in mind that the audio listener position is set to the player’s location. However, the audio orientation is always based on the camera. If there’s no party, or the screen isn’t focused on any Maps with the main player, the audio listener position will instead be based on the camera’s location.

Reminder that in order to have 3D positional audio, the sound resource must be single-channel (mono), same as a Speaker’s “Sound” parameter.