001 Game Creator – 3D Step Dungeon Maze Kit

001 Game Creator – 3D Step Dungeon Maze Kit


The Step Dungeon Maze Kit provides 001 Game Creator users with a brand new template designed to create a retro step dungeon crawling experience. The package comes with several pre-made assets to allow users to immediately jump in and start building their dream Step Dungeon.



The Step Dungeon Maze Kit provides 001 Game Creator users with a brand new template designed to create a retro step dungeon crawling experience. The package comes with several pre-made assets to allow users to immediately jump in and start building their dream Step Dungeon. Players can build directly off this template or use the assets/scripts to create their own from scratch.

Content Included:

  • A powerful yet easy-to-use Map/Maze Builder interface with 20+ building blocks and floor importing/exporting features
  • Unique 3D map generation and gameplay elements based on table entries
  • Cool mini-map with fog that clears as you explore a maze (Fog of war)
  • Customizable enemy spawn & loot tables
  • Directional grid-based movement system with strafing capabilities
  • Smart context sensitive button that can interact with various objects
  • Stylized HUD, message boxes and main menu

DLC is in Early Access

Get a first look at our newest DLC! Here’s what we plan to work on in future updates:

  • More than one set of door/levers per maze
  • Hole traps
  • Status Effects from traps
  • Improving documentation
  • Bug fixes

If you run into any issues please post on the community forum, community discord or submit a bug report using the software.

001 Game Creator – 3D Step Dungeon Maze Kit