Reverb for audio Engine

6 years agoopen2

It would be cool to have support for reverb in the sound engine for having more complex sound design

Reverb for audio Engine

2 thoughts on “Reverb for audio Engine

  • December 4, 2018 at 5:20 pm

    Honestly, a very simple workaround would be to pre-reverb the audio. You are going to pre-load the files anyway, so why the need to do it live? This would only take more processing power for something that can be done beforehand and with better results. Nowadays, game file size is not really what you should be concerned ;).

  • November 27, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    if adding this feature would take lots of time, i think it won’t worth because we can do it with some free tools/programs as a workaround, so putting time on other ideas/feature-requests which don’t have any workaround would have more benefit

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