Author: Ceriux

Simple 3D tools/map editor.

id like to have a simple 3d editor like crocotile 3d built into 001. i’d also like to edit “3d maps”.

label actor triggers

i like using multiple actor triggers for many things. seeing while.time> ect isnt that great id like to label my actor triggers.

Dark UI

A dark ui for the editor. i just feel dark ui’s are easier on the eyes. maybe colors similar to steams UI.

fps sprite mode checkbox

as is, the only way to get doom styled fps sprites functioning seems really hacky. i’d like to be able to check a box similar to “billboard” so that sprites i’m viewing in 3d view will display properly based onRead more

Return Official Forums

I’d like to see the official forums return. that way support threads and tutorials are less likely to be lost. much better than discord for organization.