Multiple Selection Tile Extractor

6 years agoopen0

Currently the tile extractor only lets you extract a single tile at a time. Increasing this would be absolutely useful!

This could be done by assigning tile layers with a single selection per layer to bypass the current restrictions. Layers can be defined by a numerical value (for example layer 1 would be a 32×32 tile, layer 2 a 32×64 taller tile)
Layer 1 would overwrite the currently selected tile composite, Layer 2 would populate the next, 3 etc then loop through the current sheet you are editing.and replace the recursive tiles after.

Space wise in terms of layout there is that blank column under the Tile Scale input so placing it somewhere would be pretty easy to do.

Additionally, if there was a way to visualize the existing layers to prevent overlapping would also be a great plus!

Multiple Selection Tile Extractor

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