Multiple Actor Use-Items

6 years agoopen1

The addition of new Use-Items such as “Targeted Actor” and “If Player Actor” would open huge realms of possibility with the MMO Kit as right now most actor related Use-Items are designed around single player experiences.

Multiple Actor Use-Items

One thought on “Multiple Actor Use-Items

  • June 25, 2019 at 4:01 pm

    I feel these are all possible within the current scope of the mmorpg template. For checking if an actor is a player actor I believe there is an actor variable which holds if it is a player actor, or it is assigned a different template from enemies. (I would have to double check to be certain)

    The scripting id of the actor that is currently selected should be stored in either the players actor variables or in a global variable. You can use a when, or while/timer trigger in the main players actor template to run code based on when a target changes.

    I will leave this request open just to be sure I properly understood your request.

    You can always ping me on discord if you need additional assistance with this (@MrNumbers).

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