See our Jobs page to see our currently open/available volunteer and job positions.
Buy 001 Game Creator Standalone
Probably the best way to help us out and support the project’s continued growth!
Join us over on Patreon and directly support development for all SoftWeir Inc. projects along with some awesome perks!
Download 001 Game Creator from these websites and leave a positive rating:
- http://www.moddb.com/engines/001-game-creator
- https://download.cnet.com/001-Game-Creator/3000-2121_4-10594001.html
Join Us
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If you’d like to apply for one of the currently open/available positions , then please check out our translation application. We’ll try our best to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible but please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
Share Your Games/Tutorials
Got a game you’ve made in 001 Game Creator? Then why not Share Your Game on our website! Got some knowledge worth sharing? Then why not Create a Guide on our Steam page!
Give Us A Review
Reviews are one of the most impactful ways you can help us out! Drop a review over in our Steam Store page or over on our Mod DB page.
Tastefully mention 001 Game Creator to your friends and those who are interested in game development. Link to us on other forums and websites that you have belonged to for a long time. We appreciate your time in checking out the 001 project and spreading the word.
Include our Logo at the start of your Games
Having our logo at the start of your game or in a menu, attributing the engine, is one of the best ways you can help us and widen both of our audiences! We have provided below a larger version of the 001 “Ball” so you can resize as needed and many other options.

Small (88×31), Small 2 (88×33)