Resize interface components

6 years agoopen2

When I utilize a lot of sprites, specifically tiles, It becomes very cumbersome to manage them within the “drawing” interface. I’d like more options for resizing, especially the small window above the sprites with the tiny sprite icons. I’d also love an option to simply make things larger so they are easier to see. Thank you!

Resize interface components

2 thoughts on “Resize interface components

  • December 24, 2018 at 11:32 pm

    I actually mean the interface of the editor/engine itself. I’d love to resize components individually. Or maybe even break parts out as individual windows. Stuff that some of the other editors out there have to make quality of life better. The more customization the better in that regard. Specifically though being able to stretch the little window of sprite groups above the sprites would be fantastic.

  • December 23, 2018 at 10:00 pm

    is ur mean adding an option for resizing all the interface at once? for example for when the player change the resolution from 720 to 1080, the interface don’t become that much small, so the player can make the interface larger/smaller with that option?

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