A couple feature suggestions.

6 years agodeclined2

I have two suggestions for new features that could be useful.

The first feature I would like to submit an idea for is a feature to customize and save a palette to your project so you don’t have to constantly enter RGB codes for certain colors.

The second feature I would like to submit an idea for is a spray tool feature. This would facilitate creating realistic nature and carpet tiles. Fog would also be easier to make with the spray tool.

A couple feature suggestions.

2 thoughts on “A couple feature suggestions.

  • May 10, 2019 at 3:53 pm

    Could you please only create one post per idea? Keep in mind, some of these features are already on the list, and it would be better to just up-vote those instead as it’ll demonstrate greater demand.

  • February 28, 2019 at 9:49 pm

    I’ve felt that the in-built graphic editor is best suited for prototyping stuff and that other programs designed for drawing should be used to do anything over that. Would it be wise to allocate resources to build something that is already available as another program?

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