Option to exclude game-server scripts from a build.


I want the option to prevent “selected” scripts from being “baked” into the build of a game-client build.
For example, since I’m working on a MMO project, and with experience in the field of MMO’s and reversed engineering in my past, I know and understand very well that server-sided scripts that happens to be “baked” into the game-client will eventually be found by curious “hackers” and will use it to their own advantages such as creating cheats for the game, or even reverse the server-side to run their own private servers.
I understand that builds get “packed” automatically by 001 to protect sensitive data, but I came from a scene where even the best packer software’s couldn’t stop the curious reverse-engineers from getting what they wanted.

As a suggestion, all nodes that follows the path of condition branch “Internet.IsServer is not 0” should not get baked into the build unless “Dedicated Online Multiplayer Server” is checked when building the game.

Option to exclude game-server scripts from a build.

One thought on “Option to exclude game-server scripts from a build.

  • November 22, 2024 at 10:41 am

    It won’t be possible to have only half a script be included in one build and not the other.

    If this was a concern, I’d recommend moving all server sided code into custom events. From there when building the client you could remove all server-sided scripting (An easy way might be to prefix all server code, then remove the files temporarily from the project folder). A way to pivot this feature request could be a way to automate the above process, via a checkbox or something in the custom event/networking editors such as “Only include with server” or similar.

    You’re welcome to edit your feature request based on the information above!

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